"I like you. I'll gladly sit down and have dinner with you after the race. But when the gun goes off, I pretty much hate you, and I want to stomp your guts out. That's racing." -J Rapp

"the best night of my life.....
...in the most beautiful place on earth"

"It's just one, long, tedious conversation with yourself" -Paula Newby Fraser

"Have faith- trust in the plan - the breakthrough will come. I promise. " Woo

"You can keep going and your legs might hurt for a week or you can quit and your mind will hurt for a lifetime.” -Mark Allen

“The only time you can be brave is when you’re afraid.”

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh Stewardess, I speak Jive

Checking back in after this past weekend (mondays are a part of my weekend by the way as I work T-F).  I rode a total of 4 times in 3 days, with a double on sunday (trainer interval session in the morning with an "easy spin" in the afternoon out on the road).  I totalled somewhere around 115 miles...with me starting to ride more, I am noticing that my legs continue to hold up, but the heart rate is higher now than before the crash--I guess my heart shrunk ;)  

On the shoulder side of things, my range of motion is coming back more and more each week.  We took Sophia to the pool on monday, and I definitely have a long way to go in order to swim free (swam like a cripple! go figure).   I am still at rehab 3 times a week, with home exercises daily (6 exercises/15 reps x 2 each).  Tomorrow is 8 weeks post surgery...it seems like it was 3 months ago!  I guess with all of the pain in PT, time goes slowly, in addition to watching the spring/summer racing season go by.  I am hoping it was a blessing...I am still on for IM AZ, and as long as I am full strength by July 15, I'll have 18 weeks to train...and I'll be fresh, ready, and with a sense of urgency versus satisfied with where I am had the crash not happened.  July 15 is 6 weeks from tomorrow...time to get the range of motion all the way back!!
By the way, the quote from above:  I just received a free shirt from www.muzeconnects.org...all their shirts are famous movie quotes...I love em and thought I'd spread the word!  (I have 6 of them now, Jenny has a few too!)

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