"I like you. I'll gladly sit down and have dinner with you after the race. But when the gun goes off, I pretty much hate you, and I want to stomp your guts out. That's racing." -J Rapp

"the best night of my life.....
...in the most beautiful place on earth"

"It's just one, long, tedious conversation with yourself" -Paula Newby Fraser

"Have faith- trust in the plan - the breakthrough will come. I promise. " Woo

"You can keep going and your legs might hurt for a week or you can quit and your mind will hurt for a lifetime.” -Mark Allen

“The only time you can be brave is when you’re afraid.”

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 12 of Kona Prep, but life comes first....

After reading my past few entries, it's time to get more upbeat!  I think the heat and building up to 5 hour rides with steady state efforts was getting to me..that's all I can come up with as an excuse.  So I am going to enter my workouts in here---maybe a bit here and there about the workout itself, but mostly just going to put in the numbers...

Week 12:  July 18-24   "Build Week One" I'll call it...

Monday:  3800 swim:  lately the swim workouts have had everything in them, including this one, with both sets of 100's with minimal rest, then an 800 thrown in there near the end----fast intervals, then long and steady "find your pace" rep.
Notes from the workout:  swimming the fastest I ever have (sub 1:20 100's)...there were 16 100's in this...all on the 1:30 interval...swim is doing GREAT!

Tuesday: 90 minute run---we are now adding in some Z3 tempo into the run...this one has some 10' reps with shorter Z2 "rest" in the middle.  These runs are great for me; I think my form while running in Z3 is soo much better than in Z2 where I "get lazy" and start landing on my heel a bit and my posture also seems to "get lazy."
Notes:  well, it was 103 degrees when I started---add in the headwind (meaning: blowdryer), and this was harder than normal.  I hung on and "got er done"..thankfully I am acclimatized to the heat!!

Wednesday: 4000 swim
                        90 minute bike:  relaxed spin
Notes: Swim was a bit sluggish, probably from mondays effort to swim as fast as I can.  Settled into a steady pace versus pushing the issue.  For the bike, rode on the trainer in my aerobic zone---piece of cake ride.

Thursday:  90 minute bike: Infamous "Pain Cave" intervals on the trainer (the secret AIMP weapon)
                    45 minute run: right after the intervals

Friday:  4000 swim: more of the same

Saturday:    Brick Workout
                     5 Hour Aerobic Ride
                   45 Minute Run:  Mile Repeats in this
Notes: Rode Mingus Mountain from Prescott Valley, through Jerome, Cottonwood, and part way to Sedona and back...GREAT ride, tough climb on the way back...highly recommend the ride!  Kenny and I went a bit longer than the rest of the group (Carlos, Sue, Henry, George, and Paul)...then added a brick run afterwards---Kenny and I slugged it out running on the side of the freeway pushing the pace below 7 min/mi for the repeats---felt great to finish this one!  We felt sufficiently trashed, then had to drive back home...toughest part!
Sunday:  "Brick" Workout, but ride is to "loosen up the legs" from yesterday
                    2 Hour Spin
                    2 Hour Run:  Dialed up to Z3 pace and hold it for 90+ minutes
Notes:  My mind was not into this one, and my body was challenging it as well--even though it was "cooler" (meaning in the high 90's) in Prescott, I was still "cooked" from the workout.  It's almost like my body doesn't get the chance to cool down, then I go to bed, and I am burning up!  I solved that in the morning with a new "invention:"  The Gatorade Icee!  I don't think I ate enough between yesterday and today, and struggled even on the spin out.  The run was brutal---great on the way out (8 miles) into a head wind that kept me cool, but on the way back that tail wind was cancelled out by my pace, so I ran in the HEAT!  Stale hot air was just miserable, and I felt I was doing nothing good by trying to run home in this...add that Jenny's Grandfather was rushed to the hospital yesterday, and my mind was obviously elsewhere...

Final Notes:  I added this on tuesday 7/26...
It's been a very tough couple of days for everyone here---we lost Jenny's grandfather "Tata" suddenly last night after they tried to repair an aortic tear at the site of a previous bypass....10 hours of surgery, 40 people in the waiting room all day....bad news, good news, then the worst news at 6pm Monday just when we thought he had made it...please pray for Jenny's family...they need everything anyone can send their way...

Tata and Nana in San Diego with us last summer

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