Back to the task at hand...getting ready for IMAZ. While the training has gone well, the "plan" has been relentless but at least carried out, and the 6 weeks between Kona and IMAZ have been some of the design as I told Chris in our season plan that while Kona was an "A" Race, I wanted to really challenge myself at IMAZ and see what I could do. Kona came and went, I noticed a nice gain post Kona in endurance and power, and we kept pushing until literally last night..a 2 hour trainer session with 2 x 30' in Z3/Z4 and a 90 minute run at IM pace or even a bit faster. These runs are always a blast as I end up doing them late, tired from the day, much like I would be doing race is a nice simulation and mentally boosts my belief that I am ready for an IM when they go well, as last nights run did. I do notice a bit of fatigue still in my legs, but with a nice taper from here on out, I should be primed to fire off that start line next Sunday. To compare yesterdays workout to last taper started a bit earlier last year, so my run on the same monday before the race was 20 minutes tops---oh those were the good old days ;-) With a decently light week, 100% trust in Chris getting me to the start line with a full tank and a massive engine, I should be in good shape to destroy everything we have built up for this thing...
I through my race goals out there in a previous post, and while they are "out there," it will take a perfect day to pull that off---but why not shoot for perfect? From history, I have a feeling it will shape up just like Kona or even IMAZ 2010...the swim will be as expected, same with the bike barring any mishaps, and it will all be left to the run---how hard can I push...I want to push myself way beyond comfortable, I just wonder if I have that in me...I imagine a nice nap around mile 15 would be REALLY nice. The Pre Race Capsules will keep the fire burning...hopefully all day. I'm really not wondering though... I will have my hand on the throttle the entire run, teetering on exhaustion the entire time. I was thinking about after the finish this morning while driving to work...I may collapse, I may loose it, I may cry, but I will give Jenny, Sophia, Andrew, and my mom the hugest of hugs knowing that this racing season is over. If you catch the undertone that I am tired, worn out....I am just ready for some recovery...passive recovery!
With this being my third Ironman, I decided on a new approach...race as if this is my last. It may just be, you never know. No one wants to go out with a poor performance--that lingering memory of less than your best...ugh, reminds me of high school baseball when we lost our final game in the league championships...why couldn't I have been a senior the year previous when we won state? Still hung up on that one ;-) Anyways, I'll be carrying this "last race" mentality with me on the run...let's go out with a bang!
Below are some family's been a bit somber around the house as our dog Tucker had to be put down last saturday night...he was 15 and was a big part of the Swinehart family for years...we miss you Tucker...obey Tata's orders and keep him company ;-)
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Sophia and 2 of her cousins on a recent trip to Payson |
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Jenny and Sophia...cuties! |
![]() |, Mulan on Halloween. Nevermind Derrick in the background |
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Tucker's last photo, and the only one of Sophia, Andrew, and Tucker together |
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