So it's 5 days to Christmas, a little over 4 weeks since Ironman Arizona, and 291 days to Ironman Kona....hard to be motivated right now! The table at work is covered with sweets, coffee is back, but at least the weight is staying off! Not that I'm concentrating on my weight, but I'm sure I could gain 10 pounds in a week if I didn't watch it! Yesterday was my biggest day of training since IM...75 mile "base" ride and 3500 yards in the pool, and I felt it (on the bike...). I've been prepping for PF Changs Marathon here on January 16th, and I think the running is wearing my ligaments thin...I must be getting old! I've added a lot of stretching and rolling into the mix over the past two weeks (including a couple trips to Physical Therapy for hip alignment issues); maybe some of this is post IM stuff, but I also haven't been taking my First Endurance Products as religiously as I should...duh! I did a 12K race last weekend---didn't feel my best as I ran the night before and was not "fresh," but I managed to finish 5th overall (out of 1022), won my age group by 5 I'll take it! That in itself may be why I've been sore...duh again!
So it looks like we are ramping things back up on the training calendar...I've been running often, but not necessarily long (most runs are 45-60 minutes). I think this next week we will see a big jump there as a final "prep" for the marathon on January 16th...although part of me wants to bow out and do the 1/2 marathon...we'll see. I'll be busy in February with a 5 day training camp in Tucson (did this last year...awesome!), then following that up with the Ragnar Relay Ultra Race 4 days after...nonetheless a huge training block with no less than 300 miles on the bike and 50 miles running in 9 days...ouch! I guess I'll get an idea of what kind of shape I'm in, and if I'm not, I will be after!
Looking forward on the calendar...I wonder how I will be with IM Hawaii then IM AZ 6 weeks later...I hope I'll be "fresh and loose" enough on November 20th. I think the 6 weeks in between will be all about recovery, but how do you re-set to peak while in recovery? They seem like opposites, but I'm sure I will find a way! Maybe it will be a 6 week taper.
My Gear
"I like you. I'll gladly sit down and have dinner with you after the race. But when the gun goes off, I pretty much hate you, and I want to stomp your guts out. That's racing." -J Rapp
"the best night of my life..... the most beautiful place on earth"
"It's just one, long, tedious conversation with yourself" -Paula Newby Fraser
"Have faith- trust in the plan - the breakthrough will come. I promise. " Woo
"You can keep going and your legs might hurt for a week or you can quit and your mind will hurt for a lifetime.” -Mark Allen
“The only time you can be brave is when you’re afraid.”
Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
What I use for Nutrition Products...and my love For First Endurance!
So here is what I use and when I use it...(click on the underlined text to link to the product @, I use them daily!
Optygen HP: I wonder what this product doesn't do when it comes to endurance training. Everything I list next I believe is 100% true from my own use of Optygen HP...increases exercise capacity, muscular strength, increase the body's ability to adapt to high levels of physical stress, increase anaerobic threshold, reduce lactic acid, improve power output. I take 4 capsules pretty much daily, sometimes taking a break from it when I am in a "off" period.
Pre Race: This is the "Spark"...I'll use it before a tough workout as a "pick me up" and to keep my body used to it. It's in my "pre race" water bottle, mixed with a serving of EFS. I also used it in IM AZ off the bike. Once I settled into the run, I had this in a fuel belt flask, again mixed with a bit of EFS more for taste, and it kept me focused, energized, and feeling strong throughout the marathon. I had another dose in my special needs, but I didn't use it. Think of it as caffeine, but without the side effects (GI emptying, diuretic...). It's main ingredients include Quercetin (the same stuff that is in FRS), Taurine (the stuff in some energy drinks), Malic Acid, and a "neurostimulant blend". All of this increases mental acuity and focus...especially after 6 hours in an Ironman, I never wavered from what I was focused on..
I almost feel like I should put a disclaimer on here that I have nothing to gain by writing this...I write it for friends that have asked and want more information, and I feel I provide an unbiased opinion on anything I recommennd, and I use it because I have researched it, it's competitors, and have chosen the product because it is the best... TEAM FIRST ENDURANCE BLOG is a great resource...there's a forum full of useful information---successes and failures, how to use,...join it if you want more information, and with a motto that states "Our goal is to have 100% of our members complete ultra endurance races with no bonk, no cramps, and no gastric distress," what more could you want?? I would only add the benefits of fast recovery (Ultragen and Optygen HP) and mental focus (Pre Race), really, what MORE could you want??
I do eat regular food, and lots of it...maybe that will be next!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
2 Weeks Post Op
So I am 2 weeks removed from the IM AZ seems like it was a month ago. I've managed to squeak in a workout here and there, suffered a bit with a cold (runny nose!), and eaten A TON! I can't go in the kitchen anymore...I have an eating problem. Add in the time of year, and I've been up to no good---lots of stuff I haven't eaten all year. So tomorrow starts the comeback...and it starts with my diet! No more ice cream, pizza, hamburgers (last night was the BEST....Roaring Forks Big Ass Burger!), get the idea. I've been off my First Endurance products since the race, and I can honestly say I can't move forward without them. After running two days in a row, my quads ache, my calves are tight, and I had zero soreness through the heavy training blocks setting up for IM...they simply are amazing products that allow me to constantly push my envelope without suffering from the "old" effects of heavy volume...they are my drug!! The good news is I haven't gained a pound...I think Ironman Arizona is perfect for the time I'm going to eat to my hearts content and see what happens, although I don't think I can eat any more than I have the past two weeks! I tried to curb the hunger today by making sweet potato chips, but because I was in the kitchen, the pantry and fridge were calling me, and they won. Here's my sweet potato chips---not too appetizing, but food is for nutrition, right? Well, I did put honey and cinnamon on them.

I'm a little concerned on how I will get back into it...Sunday I rode for 40 miles, and felt like I rode around the block--hardly a workout. It is the "offseason," but I wanna GO! Chris has always led me right, so I'll follow his lead. Chris has put my workouts in for the next 2 weeks: 11.5 hours this week and 13.5 next week...all focused on building for PF CHangs Marathon on January 16th, but it is definitely going to be cross training with swimming and biking to break it up. The sound of "just" running just doesn't sound appetizing at all, so we will see how it goes! I'm going to do a 12K this Saturday, and Chris okayed it reluctantly, saying "if you blow a hammie I'll be pissed"...I can't let him down!!! So if my time is less than fast...I have a built in excuse. After PF Changs, I have Ragnar Relay--a 202 Mile running relay. Our team has 6 runners, basically doing 3 half marathons over the course of 2 days, uninterrupted...gonna be psychologically challenging living out of a van in constant motion keeping up with the race...but should be a great team experience in a sport that is otherwise solo. Our team is basically 5 guys who just did Arizona Ironman, and "fleet footed" Ben, who has run close to 15 marathons this year...FAST!!! Last year a high school participant was killed when he was hit by a car, so we are running in support of his endowment's really great to have a cause to run for. The week after Ragnar, I head to Tucson for training camp...where I feel it all started last year. I came into that camp not knowing where I I would "rank", "compete", or even "can I keep up?" I left there energized, feeling like I was shot out of the canon. Then March 31st came (crash = broken clavicle), then April 15 (surgery), and then July 15 (starting from scratch with training). So this year, I'm going to skip the drama....and race pretty consistently, all focused on October 8th (Kona) and November 20 (Arizona). I have 3-4 Olympic Races set, and 3 Half Ironmans as well. We will be busy!!
I'm a little concerned on how I will get back into it...Sunday I rode for 40 miles, and felt like I rode around the block--hardly a workout. It is the "offseason," but I wanna GO! Chris has always led me right, so I'll follow his lead. Chris has put my workouts in for the next 2 weeks: 11.5 hours this week and 13.5 next week...all focused on building for PF CHangs Marathon on January 16th, but it is definitely going to be cross training with swimming and biking to break it up. The sound of "just" running just doesn't sound appetizing at all, so we will see how it goes! I'm going to do a 12K this Saturday, and Chris okayed it reluctantly, saying "if you blow a hammie I'll be pissed"...I can't let him down!!! So if my time is less than fast...I have a built in excuse. After PF Changs, I have Ragnar Relay--a 202 Mile running relay. Our team has 6 runners, basically doing 3 half marathons over the course of 2 days, uninterrupted...gonna be psychologically challenging living out of a van in constant motion keeping up with the race...but should be a great team experience in a sport that is otherwise solo. Our team is basically 5 guys who just did Arizona Ironman, and "fleet footed" Ben, who has run close to 15 marathons this year...FAST!!! Last year a high school participant was killed when he was hit by a car, so we are running in support of his endowment's really great to have a cause to run for. The week after Ragnar, I head to Tucson for training camp...where I feel it all started last year. I came into that camp not knowing where I I would "rank", "compete", or even "can I keep up?" I left there energized, feeling like I was shot out of the canon. Then March 31st came (crash = broken clavicle), then April 15 (surgery), and then July 15 (starting from scratch with training). So this year, I'm going to skip the drama....and race pretty consistently, all focused on October 8th (Kona) and November 20 (Arizona). I have 3-4 Olympic Races set, and 3 Half Ironmans as well. We will be busy!!
January 16: PF Changs Marathon
Feb 17-22: Tucson Training Camp
Feb 24-25: Ragnar Relay (3 half marathons over the 202 mile relay)
April 10: Marquee 1/2 Ironman
May 7: Rio Salado Olympic
May15: Tempe International Olympic
June 4 Deuceman 1/2 Ironman
July 17 Mountain Man 1/2 IronmanSept 25: Nathans Olympic
October 8: IM Kona
Nov 20: IM AZ
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